Quality Yet Affordable Education For All

Unmatched Holistic Training in and beyond Western Uganda. Established in 1938, St. Aloysius Primary School goes beyond classroom instruction to train the whole. Compassionate about every child’s education, we intentionally keep our fees affordable to give an opportunity to the most unprivileged.Nurturing the Mind, Body and Soul is our goal.

We provide an exceptional approach to learning

Allow us to introduce your child to all the different ways of learning through play. Attend events, enroll in programs and take advantage of our professional volunteers and endless resources. “We Still Strive To Give Quality Education To Every Child”.

Our Stories

A few moments with us

Our Vision is to be a home away from home by providing an environment every child loves yet affordable by the parents.

We boast of the most conducive environment for all learners.

We have a variety of physical activities at STAPS. This is supported by our great sports infrastructure and resources put in place by the administration.

We love our staff and we think
you will too

Meet our great team of awesome seasoned educators, parents and trainers in various disciplines. These have helped St. Aloysius Primary School to nurture generations since 1938.

Betty Kashaija (Mrs)

Former HT (RTD)

Margaret Mutungi (Mrs)

English (Rtd)

Gordon Nuwamanya


Kamoga Yonah


Mugizi Joram


Betunga Deusdedit

English (Rtd)

Ainembabazi Rabecca


Kabuzire Adrian

Former HM

Thoughts from our community…

We won the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award for Environment Conservation.

The Eco-Schools Green Flag is An international accreditation that has recognised and rewarded young people’s environmental actions for over 25 years. This is the perfect way to acknowledge, reward and celebrate the ecological achievements of young people.

We Teach​

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Debate
  • English
  • Comprehension
  • Etiquette


  • MDD
  • Scouting
  • Environment
  • Legio Maria
  • Farming
  • Handwork
  • Cricket
  • Football
  • Volleyball
In 2012, our pupils participated in the UNCCD Land for Life competition and assisted CECOD FEE to win the Award for it’s effort in engaging schools in Uganda to conserve the Environment.