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St. Aloysius Primary School was founded in 1938 by the Roman Catholic Church. It started as single sex school, taking only boys.
It was started by Rev.Fr. Johns Lawrence, who was in charge of Schools by then, and he was the Chairman School Management Committee (SMC).
Mbarara Catholic Diocese allocated land to the school. Then the missionaries and parents began putting up structures, and they vacated the current Administration Offices where the school was by then, and settled where it is today. At the time, Mr. Mbareebaki Petero was the headteacher, and the enrolment was at 400pupils.
The School was later on Government Grant Aided, and it became co-educational in the early 70’s. This increased the enrolment to around 600 pupils. However, boys outnumbered the girls, a phenomenon which is common today.
The Late Mr. Edward Ntendeere was the first Headteacher
Other first Headteachers were the Late Mashaya and the Late Petero Mwiru.
The acronym STAPS stands for ST Aloysius Primary School
The use of this acronym started way back in the 80s. The pupils at STAPS as well as the Old pupils are also often referred to as Saints.
Mr. Kabuzire Adrian is the longest serving headteacher of St. Aloysius Primary School.
Mr. Kabuzire is the most iconic leader and visionary of this school became the Headteacher in 1970 a position he held for 27years until 1997 when he suffered from stroke, which later claimed his life in 2001. During his tenure of office, the school was upgraded to a Grade I School and was given an examination centre. The Examination Centre number is 007097.
Academic performance was soaring in his time that St. Aloysius P/Sch became the number one school of choice for parents who minded about Academic excellence. Pupils in the 80’s and 90’s could trek from as far as Kakoba bypassing schools in the Central Business District to study with the best in the land of Milk and honey, efforts of which always paid off as evidenced by their PLE performance then.
Mr. Betunga Deusdedit took over from late Kabuzire in 1998.
Mrs. Kashaija Betty became the headteacher in 2001 after Mr. Betunga Deusdedit was transferred to head Uganda Martyrs Primary School. She is the first and only female headteacher STAPS has ever had.
The school grew tremendously under her leadership with enrollment that had started dwindling rising again to over 1000 pupils, improved on the infrastructure, Started the boarding section and introduced a number of clubs that have made St. Aloysius shine again in the 21st century.
Mrs. Kashaija retired honorably on 25th November 2020 after 19 years of her leadership at St. Aloysius Primary School.
The current headteacher is Mr. Asiimwe Gratiano.
He was transferred from Rubindi Primary School to succeed the retired Mrs. Kashaija Betty.