Defying the Odds
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Defying the Odds

In a world filled with stories of academic perseverance, my journey stands as a testament to the power of determination, the influence of dedicated educators, and the unexpected turns that shape our lives. St. Aloysius Primary School holds a special place in my heart, as it laid the foundation for my future successes and instilled in me the values of hard work and resilience.

What Makes St. Aloysius Primary School a Second Home For Me

What Makes St. Aloysius Primary School a Second Home For Me

STAPS wasn’t just a school; it was a family tradition. A legacy that had been passed down through generations, where education was revered and success was the norm. Grandfathers, uncles and my elder siblings all found their roots at STAPS. Even today, the echoes of this legacy resound as my niece, Haisibwa Maria Vivian, graces the precincts of STAPS as a P.4 pupil.

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

In 1591, a plague struck Rome. The Jesuits opened a hospital of their own. The superior general himself and many other Jesuits rendered personal service. Because he nursed patients, washing them and making their beds, Aloysius caught the disease. A fever persisted after his recovery and he was so weak he could scarcely rise from bed. Yet, he maintained his great discipline of prayer, knowing that he would die within the octave of Corpus Christi, three months later, at the age of 23.