PLE Results 2022

Today Friday 27th January 2023, The Honorable Minister of Education and Sports and First Lady Janet Kataha Museveni released results of PLE 2022 at State Lodge, Nakasero. Many of our pupils and parents are eagerly awaiting the release of final grades and exam results from the UNEB portal and the school. However, due to a technical issue with UNEB, the release of these results have been delayed and they are currently unavailable on USSD.
One of the reasons for the delay was logistical issues that were caused by unclear communication between UNEB and schools affected by this delay. For this reason therefore, schools may have had challenges meeting their end of the bargain (even unintentionally as in our case) with UNEB which made it more difficult to process and release results in a timely manner.
It’s important to understand that these delays can be frustrating and stressful for pupils and parents. However, it’s important to remember that St. Aloysius Primary School, Mbarara and UNEB have resolved this issue and results will be available by at most 24 hours from this publication.
In the meantime, pupils and parents should continue to communicate with us to stay informed about the status of results and any potential delays. They also can contact the school school headteacher on +256782121028 or +256701152590 if they have any concerns.
In conclusion, the delay in school results is a result of various factors that may include logistical issues, missing or incomplete results and other factors. It’s important to stay informed and communicate with school authorities to know the status of results and any potential delays.
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